The inclusive coffee machine for all coffee enthusiasts
TruBru is a project dedicated to changing the way coffee machines are designed so that it is safer and more inclusive for people who have limited range of motion in their shoulders
After testing the prototypes with some of the people interviewed, it seemed like the best solution was to go with the retrofitted coffee machine
Final Design
Render from Fusion
The TruBru coffee machine breaks the barrier of shoulder strain for those with limited shoulder mobility. This coffee machine was designed with all the interactions placed towards the bottom.
TruBru also breaks the barrier of shoulder strain with its detachable water tank. After some user research, it seems the main issue with current coffee makers is that the user needs to bring water to the machine and pour the water in the tank. TruBru addresses this concern with a detachable water tank.
TruBru makes use of a spring loaded lever in order to address the issues of shoulder strain while inserting coffee pods into the machine. Pulling down the lever causes the platform to drop to shoulder height for ease of access.
Human factors played a huge part in designing the TruBru coffee machine. Assuming the machines are sitting on a standard kitchen counter the highest touch point on the TruBru is 44 inches from the ground. While other machines highest touch point run upwards of around 52 inches from the ground.
"The Measure of Man and Woman"" - Henry Dreyfuss, Alvin R. Tilley
A physical therapist was interviewed to test if the height of the strains the muscles in the shoulder. After an examination, the physical therapist concluded that none of the interactions engage the shoulder muscles at all.
The final prototype of TruBru was created through 3D printing along with some priming, sanding and painting to get the correct finish