Gothic Inspired Coffee Table
How might we create a goth inspired piece of furniture that will fit within any sub culture of goth for those looking for certain aesthetic
To start this project I went to gather some inspiration on the different styles of goth. There are a lot of different sub cultures of goth so here are three that stood out to me

Initial Sketches
After creating these mood boards I decided to just sketch and try to get different sub cultures incorporated within my sketches

Hand Renders
After the initial sketches, I liked the idea of using a ribbed vault as the base of a table. In art history class I learned that ribbed vaults are designed to equally distribute weight to each bottom point. I thought using this as a base would help the table give a good sense of stability and strength

First an underlay was created using two vanishing points and a ruler to make a perfect cube. Once the cube was created I went in with a pen to create a ribbed vault. The diagram above was used to help guide the underlay

Fusion 360 Renders
While bringing these sketches into Fusion I ended up making the table shorter by removing the legs to keep it at a standard height for a coffee table. I appreciated how strong and stable the coffee table looked with just the ribbed vault and glass table top

This minimalist design approach adds versatility to the coffee table. As mentioned before there are many different sub cultures of goth. Rather than trying to design for one specific sub culture, I decided to broaden my target audience

When designing a space, its important to make the room feel collective as a whole. Taking a minimalist approach with this table allows it to add to that collective feeling no matter what sub culture of goth you may be into